Tuesday, May 11, 2010

What Love Is

Love is something you and I must have. We must have it because our spirit feeds upon it. We must have it because without it we become weak and faint. Without love our self-esteem weakens. Without it our courage fails. Without love we can no longer look out confidently at the world. We turn inward and begin to feed upon our own personalities, and little by little we destroy ourselves.

With it we are creative. With it we march tirelessly. With it, and with it alone, we are able to sacrifice for others.

Chief Dan George

Friday, May 7, 2010

A Pretty Good Joke

A woman goes into a discount funeral home to make arrangements for her husband's funeral. She tells the director that she wants her husband to be buried in a dark blue suit. He asks, "Wouldn't it just be easier to bury him in the black suit that he's wearing?" But she insists that it must be a blue suit and gives him a blank check to buy one. When she comes back for the wake, she sees her husband in the coffin and he is wearing a beautiful blue suit. She tells the director how much she loves the suit and asks how much it cost. He says, "Actually, it didn't cost anything. The funniest thing happened. As soon as you left, another corpse was brought in, this one wearing a blue suit. I noticed that they were about the same size, and asked the other widow if she would mind if her husband were buried in a black suit. She said that was fine with her. So... I switched their heads."

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Avery's Cat

I have a cat; I rescued her, or she rescued me, in a forest known as Avery Wood. It was just after the winter solstice, a few years back. The wood was part of the campus of a small college. Christmas was close and the campus was closed. All of the faculty, staff and student body were away; snuggled in their warm homes with family and friends, waiting on Santa who would soon be there. I was a night watchman, hired to guard the campus, make sure the heat stayed on and that pipes didn't freeze.

The cats around the campus were left there on purpose. Cats were everywhere, they were cats that nobody wanted and the cats had become feral. They had the run of the campus, some people, when there were around, liked the cats; they were cat people, of course and some of the people, when they were there, reviled the cats! The cats stayed mostly in the wood around the campus. The campus was mostly wooded. But the Cats began to venture out of the wood and into occupied parts of the campus where cat people were putting food out for them; afraid they were starving, trying to live off the land. The cat people were convinced that they, the cats, served a purpose under heaven--keeping the campus varmint free. (I never remember seeing varmint or snake) on the place; just our feral feline friends.

And then one day, I was asked to stop the feeding of the cats. I was asked to do this by a supervisory type person who was not a cat person. She was convinced the cats would move away if the feeding stopped. I agreed, like a good soldier, that I should shoo the cat feeders away, but I became their friend. I was not a cat person at the time; meaning, I did not have a cat of my own, but in an attempt to be a friend to both sides of the issue; I began taking on some of the feeding chores, especially during the holiday while the campus was closed. I was also, at the same time, allowing a man on campus to catch as many cats as he could. I was ordered to point out various locations where cats congregated. The university's administration was determined to rid the campus of as many of these feral cats as possible.

The chapel was ground zero. The chapel was an old country church that had been relocated from a mountain side out in the country. The old church had been abandoned and was about to fall down when the university bought and relocated it to the campus. The chapel, as it was now called, was renovated and preserved. It was beautiful inside and out. A picture perfect place to have church, weddings and gatherings. The chapel was in the woods, along with the rest of the campus though and the cats made the chapel their favorite place to live and wait for their handout. The cat people took the cue from the cats and a rendezvous was created there among the pines, at the chapel.

The cats came to love the Peace&Serenity the chapel afforded. They lounged around, near and underneath the chapel. The chapel became the place where cat and cat people came together. Cat people leaving food, cat eating food and living there, under the ancient floor boards, raising cat families and their tails, as a corner seem to have been set aside for the art of cat deification and disposal. All was well as far as cat and cat people were concerned. Until the chapel was deemed unfit. A wedding party was aghast at the odor emanating from the floor of the chapel and a line was drawn. The administration said that the cats had to go! The chapel was about to be reclaimed!

As soon as the campus was empty, in mid December, a cat man who was not cat people, was called in to eradicate as many as he could catch. He was instructed to get the ones form the chapel first and then move on to the golf course club house. From there the cat man was instructed to coordinate his efforts with security and round up as many as he could during the winter break. The cat man was using a cage to trap the cats and taking them away, off campus to a location he would not say where. My imagination ran wild, I was hoping they would be spayed or neutered
and returned, but the cat man never returned with any cats, it was a one way trip.

I was security and I lived on both sides of the cat debate. I had been feeding cats, as I said earlier and I had been providing cat man with Intel on the locations of cat colonies around campus. I never felt guilty, I was convinced both sides were right and I was enjoyed getting to know cat man and the cat people. We all seemed determined to have our way on the matter. We all have our places in the world and our jobs to do. It would be impossible to tell a story without knowing both sides.

A cat came into my life as a orphaned yellow tabby with orange stripes. I met her around the cottages scattered among Avery Wood. Mostly upperclassmen lived in the cottages in the wood and they adopted a cat or two while they were there. The cat I came to know was a house cat to many cottages. She was distinctive in that her tail was longer than any cats tail I had ever seen. Her tail was as long as she was. My cat was not shy, having been adopted by the councilors in the cottages, many year round residents, she had become used to people. She was really more used to the handouts she received from them and she was comfortable moving in and out of their lives and homes. She would allow the occasional pet, although I never saw anyone pick her up or hold her. She was trusting only to a point and that point must include nourishment.

It was three days before Christmas and I was very blue. Feeling the pain of another holiday alone, I was looking for a friend. The cat was, at the time, the best friend I had. I was feeding her that day and I began to ponder her safety with the cat man on the loose. She was more than just a feral cat on campus, she gave me warmth, love and joy. Knowing her was the only joy I could find at Christmas that year and I was determined to give her and myself a good holiday. I was getting ready to go home at the end of my shift and I decided to take her with me. She was conditioned to come to me when I shook the can I kept her food in. I put her food down and while she was eating, I picked her up. I was scratched up one side and down the other during that maneuver. Once inside my vehicle, I was finally able to get her off of me and all I could do with her was let her go and hope for the best. In my extended cab truck she began to wander and make the strangest noises I have ever heard emanate from man or beast. The low pitch, guttural urging to stop this torture went on for the entire thirty-five minute ride home.

Once home, I had to figure out a way to move her from the truck to the house without any additional loss of blood on my part. I wanted her in the house until I could get her to the vet and have her spayed. The challenge was met, but not with out continued howling and clawing. When I got her in and put her down, I was only better off in that I was no longer holding her. She disappeared into various parts of the place in and out of cover, under this and under, over, around and back under and over that. She was lost and frightened and I was wondering what I had done. It was then that I decided that this cat's relocation to my place would be temporary. I would put her back where I found her as soon as the cat man had gone away.

I was sorry I was causing my new friend such pain and misery. I was sure our time together would improve, but I wanted that warmth and intimacy right away. I wanted a lap cat and I had brought home a wild animal.

Over the next two days we both grew accustom to each other. I was happy to have her there. I purchased all of the proper cat tools and toys. I tried to make her as comfortable as possible. I did not let her out. I kept her in the house and one night, while I was back on post at the college in Avery Wood, I decided that would be her name; Avery. She did not have a name before that that I knew of. If any of the students or staff around the cottages had a name for her, I did not know it. She was just one of the cats that hung around. Avery adopted me, gradually. She must have found me in one way or another, bearable. I kept her bowls full of water and food. I gave her treats and on Christmas morning--Santa Clause came to see my cat. She had a stocking with more toys than a cat should be allowed to have. She got to keep most of them, but the toys with bells had to be confiscated and De-belled!

Avery was and is to this day a good cat. She was never returned to the campus. I was in love; she has her moments, like we all do. And sometimes, she seems so exasperated at me. Our life together had been a blessing to me and I was content.

In late March or early April of that year I returned home to find a window screen on the ground in front of the house and Avery gone. She returned a few days later and a month or so after that, my cat gave birth to three more cats. They were born on June first under my bed. I was home, in bed that morning and I heard the whimpering and wining of new cats. I moved the bed and gathered them all four up in a blanket and moved them into the relative peace and quiet of the bedroom closet. Avery was less than a year old, I suspect, I'm not sure, and she seemed unequipped to handle the new additions to our family. The kittens seemed normal, but within the first week two had died. I was worried, but resolved to have her spayed as soon as she had this last kitten weened.

I did not want or need any other cats. One was enough, but I figured I was stuck with this new addition. It was my fault for not getting Avery to the vet right away. I was willing to accept this and try to find the kitten a good home. Summer, the little girl next door, staked a claim to her new neighbor as soon as she learned of his existence. I was proud to have her take him. He'd be right next door and that was close enough for me. The thing is Summer's Mama and Daddy are not cat people. The nixed the idea on the very day I let her know he was weened and ready to go and live with her. Summer was heart broken, but promised to take him as soon as she turned eighteen in eleven years. I told her she had a deal.

And so, I named him Alexander Supertramp. I was reading "Into The Wild" and the main protagonist in the story was using that name on occasion to conceal his true identity. I thought the name suited Avery's cat well. He was a wanderer, a vagabond and he thinks he's so great.

That's the story of my cat and Avery's cat, Alex and how we became a family.

I only have one cat and my cat has a cat and his name is Alexander. He's a bed hogging cat. Alex can stretch and expand his body to four times his actual size when he gets on my bed, of course he thinks it's his bed. Both of my cats think that everything in the world belongs to them--including me.

Mount Vernon, Alabama

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

My Vocation Quest

I am still praying and in meditation everyday.
I seek Peace&Love through a life of service.
My prayers are being answered! I am helping
Tom, a cousin, two years older than my Father.
At eighty-two, Tom is being treated for cancer.
I drive him to the cancer center and to any other
appointments he has. That is where God wants me
and needs me. Serving Tom is my current vocation.

I have the days off to do this. It was planned that way,
not by me, or Tom. It was planned that way divinely.
I am convince of that. The job I have now, I am off on
Thursday and Wednesday and those are the days Tom
has to be in Mobile for his appointments and treatments.
Prayers being answered, My prayer for a life of service,
Tom's prayer for a driver. I am convinced my life is being
guided by God and so at this point I am content to let go
and let God!

Tom's home on Dauphin Island has been our oasis on Wednesday's for the last month. I have enjoyed being reacquainted with
the island I have neglected for so long. What a wonderful, unspoiled
place. Dauphin Island reminds me of the Outer Banks in North Carolina.
An unspoiled place being preserved by the fact that it is a barrier island.

Thank You Father God and Mother Earth!

Mount Vernon Public Library

Darkness Prevails

The dark forces of Nature take over and haunt those who seek honesty
and truth. The dark forces can't abide honesty! They will gang up and lie.
I am sure of this, I saw it yesterday. I was the victim and I am still being
haunted, my soul and spirit are wounded by them.

I refuse to give in to them. I will never lie for them, or to them, or to anyone to defend myself against them. I told the truth, but four of them lied. What's a lonesome soul to do when out numbered? Keep telling the truth! Forget about them and move on and as far away from the evil and the darkness as possible.

Let them have it and wish them well. Forgive their dark soul's. Forgive them "Father for they know not what they do!" I am tired of being persecuted by the dark. They seem tireless though and they are wearing me out. I am defending myself for months and have been exhausted by these monsters.

What do they want from me? Their quest seems endless and it breaks my heart having to defend honesty. I'm not a saint. I don't deserve these pressures and these heartless souls at my heels. All I want is Peace&Love in my life and to be left alone. Is that too much to ask? It is for some who refuse to honor peace or love, they do not believe in either.

A Prayer:

Lord guide me. Send your angels to be with me. I am still in prayer for your wisdom. Lead me, Lord, to where you need me. I am not happy, I can't stand the darkness that surrounds me, but in your care Lord, I will find the light. Guide me to the vocation I so seek. I have so little patience, Lord, please give me patience, guidance and peace.

Mount Vernon Public Library